Introduction to PDQ Connect

PDQ Connect is a web-based device management product. System Administrators use PDQ Connect to remotely manage the devices in their organization. Sysadmins perform actions like scanning devices for device information, organizing devices, updating software, or running scripts on devices – all remotely through the internet. 

To get started, Sysadmins install the proprietary PDQ Connect agent on target Windows devices. Sysadmins then log into the PDQ Connect web console to view devices, create custom deployments, create deployment schedules, and deploy applications and scripts to target devices.

Common use cases for PDQ Connect are activities like updating software manually or creating automated schedules for updating software at set intervals.

PDQ Connect Basic Elements

There are three basic elements for how PDQ Connect functions – Devices, Packages, and Deployments. Administrators can view information about each computer that has the agent installed. Administrators can use or create custom packages to update devices. Finally, Deployments are used to deploy packages to devices on a scheduled basis or immediately.

Architectural Overview

PDQ Connect works over the internet using installed Agent software that can run on any Windows device. The agent software uses HTTPS and secure WebSockets to initiate a request from your devices to PDQ’s server infrastructure over the device’s internet connection. 

When you use Connect to run device scans and deploy software using the Connect web interface, PDQ’s servers will securely save those requested tasks in the Connect database system. When a device running the PDQ Connect Agent software is connected to the internet, it will make an outbound HTTP request to PDQ servers to get any pending tasks. 

PDQ Connect User Interface

PDQ Connect adopts an intuitive interface that aligns with our goal of making device management simple, secure, and pretty damn quick. Each time you log into PDQ Connect, you will gain immediate visibility over all your managed devices, along with details about that device including their online status and the success of their last deployment. Groups can be accessed in the same view and allow devices to be organized as you see fit. Filters are highly flexible and can be used to quickly create new groups and device views. 

Most actions in PDQ Connect are just a few clicks away, including running deployments, creating custom packages, and scheduling automations. The interface is designed to be streamlined and easy to begin working with immediately. 

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