Starting a Trial

A trial may be started at and you'll be met with the following page that's requesting some information about you and your organization. It's important to note that a single PDQ account is used across all products, including the PDQ Help Center, so if you believe you may already have an account with PDQ, choose the 'Login to continue' button towards the bottom. Otherwise, once you've filled out all the information, click the Next Step button.


Be sure to use an email address which represents one single person on your team - don't use a shared email inbox (such as one that can be accessed by an entire IT or infrastructure team), or you risk compromising the security of your account. You may invite as many team members as you wish later, either during your trial or after purchase - there is no additional cost per user.


The following page is where you'll set your password for your PDQ account, and the email address field will be pre-populated with what was entered on the previous page. You may also create an account using SSO with either Google or Azure AD.

IMPORTANT: If choosing an SSO option, make sure the account email is the same as what is showing in the email address field.

The last step is to add an MFA method which is required for PDQ Connect. For more information on the security in PDQ Connect, visit: Product security - PDQ Connect | PDQ.


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