Filtering Logic Explained

Understanding the filter fields and logic gates is essential to creating accurate Groups to organize your devices in PDQ Connect. 

Filter Fields

Filters have four configurable fields, CategoryColumnComparison, and Value. These fields are present in individual filters as well as within filter groups. 

(1) Category: The Category field represents the data category to be filtered. 

(2) Column: The Column field represents the property of the computer to be compared against the Value field. 

(3) Comparison: The Comparison field is how the column is compared to the Value. 

(4) Value: The Value field is compared against the Column field. 

Logic Gates

When configuring a group or filter with multiple filters or filter groups; PDQ Connect uses the OR, AND, NOR, and NAND logic gates to evaluate the sets of filters or filter groups within. These logic gates can be used to evaluate individual filters and filter groups together, as well as within filter groups to create complex and granular Groups. 


When using the OR logic gate, devices will be included if the criteria of any of the Filters is met.

Using OR between Filter Groups will include devices that meet the criteria of any of the Filter Groups. 


When using the AND logic gate, devices will be included if the criteria of all Filters is met. 

Using AND between Filter Groups will include devices that meet the criteria of all of the Filter Groups. 


When using the NOR logic gate, devices will be included if the criteria of any of the Filters is not met. 

Using NOR between Filter Groups will include devices that do not meet the criteria of any of the Filter Groups. 


When using the NAND logic gate, devices will be included if the criteria of all Filters is not met. 

Using NAND between Filter Groups will include devices that do not meet the criteria of all of the Filter Groups. 

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