Working with Custom Fields

PDQ Connect allows you to create Custom Fields to be used to store values for each device which may not be obtained through routine scanning, such as asset tag numbers, warranty information, purchase date, etc.


View custom fields

To view a list of all custom fields currently available in Connect, click More in the left navigation bar, and then click Custom Fields from the dropdown.

This will take you to the Custom fields page.

Create a custom field

  1. On the Custom fields page, click the Create custom field button in the upper right corner.
  2. Enter a unique name for the custom field, and set one of the available types:
    • Date (MM/DD/YYYY)
    • Number (a number, with or without decimal places)
    • String (a string of text)
    • True/False (boolean)

New custom fields will be added to every device, with the value empty by default.


Manage existing custom fields

  • To rename an existing custom field, click the three vertical dots (kebab menu) to the right of the field, and click Rename.
    Enter a new, unique name for the field, and then click Rename.
  • To delete an existing custom field, click the three vertical dots (kebab menu) to the right of the field, and click Delete.

    Click Delete to confirm. If you wish to skip the confirmation message in the future, you may check the box for Don't show me again before clicking Delete.

View/Edit the value of a custom field for a device

  1. In the left navigation bar, click Devices.
  2. On the Devices page, click on the Name of a specific device.
  3. On the Device details page, click Custom fields. The value for each field will be visible in the Value column.
  4. To quick-edit the value for a custom field, simply double-click the value of the field, change the value, and click anywhere else to save.
  5. Alternately, you can edit a field by clicking the three vertical dots (kebab menu) to the right of the field, and clicking Edit.
  6. If desired, enter a new value for the field:

    Alternately, you can clear the value of the field (set it to a null value).
    • To clear a string or number field, select and delete the value.
    • To clear a True/False (boolean) value, click the dropdown and delete the empty option at the top.
    • To clear a date, mouse over the existing value, and click the X which appears.
  7. After you have made the desired changes to the value, click Save.
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