To help us use consistent language when referring to UI elements within PDQ Connect.
Org picker
Left navigation bar: Connect Logo
- Ex: “On the left navigation bar, select the Connect Logo...”
Left navigation bar: Button's title (Devices, Deployments, Packages, etc)
- Ex: "On the left navigation bar, select Devices..."
Left navigation bar: Icon's title (ex: Help button, Settings button, Logout button)
- Ex: "In the bottom left corner, click the Settings button"
The name of the function and entire page in Connect identified by a particular button on the left navigation bar.
If you need to refer to that page as a whole, the term is “page”.
- Ex: “On the Deployments page, locate your recent failed deployment - it will display “Error” in the Status column.”
- Ex: “On the Packages page, click the Create Package button in the upper-right corner.”
Device Details page
Device Details page - Tabs
Table actions
Top bar
- Ex: ”Click the device name to enter the Device Details page. On the top bar, check the Last logged in user.”
Package Step List
Kebab menu
This refers to the 3 vertical dot (⁝) menu, that is used throughout PDQ Connect
- Ex: "To initiate a scan, click the kebab menu and click Scan devices"