Import Custom Packages from Deploy Using PDQ Migrate


Do you use custom packages in PDQ Deploy? You can accelerate the time to get up and running in PDQ Connect while avoiding the manual work of recreating those packages by hand. Move your custom packages from Deploy to Connect with our handy one-way migration tool, PDQ Migrate.


  • Access to your Connect account
  • Access to your Deploy server
    • For the best experience, users should use Deploy version 19.3.605.0 or later


Let's go through the following steps to start migrating your custom packages from Deploy to Connect:

  1. Download PDQ Migrate

  2. Export your custom packages in Deploy

  3. Open and run the Migrate application using your Connect account credentials

  4. Follow the instructions and prompts within the Migrate application

  5. Verify migrated packages in Connect and that they imported successfully


We'd love to hear any and all feedback regarding the process and its functionality, please feel free to send us a ticket by clicking the Contact support button at the top of this page.

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