Deploying Packages

To create a new one-time deployment, click the Deploy button at the top right of the Devices, Deployments, or Packages page.

Creating a New Deployment

The Create deployment popup allows you to select the packages you wish to deploy and the targets to deploy to. 

  • Type the name of a package in the left search field and select the package to be added to the deployment. 
  • The latest version of the chosen package will be selected by default. Select the dropdown in the Version column to choose a different version of that package. 
  • To add multiple packages to a deployment, search for another package and select it to add it to the deployment. 
  • To remove a package from the deployment, click the trash can icon for that package in the list.
  • To specify a target for the package deployment, type the name of the device or group in the right search field. 
  • Multiple targets may be added by searching for additional groups and devices. 

When multiple packages are used during a one-time deployment, the packages do not execute in any specific order. If you require the packages to be ran in a specific order, we recommend using nested packages in a Custom Package

Deployment Status

To view the results of any deployment, select Deployments from the left navigation bar. The Deployments page will display a list of all deployments created in the last 90 days across your entire organization. 

  • The Created on column displays the time and date the deployment was scheduled to run. This may differ from the time the deployment actually ran. 
  • The Package column displays the name of the package that was deployed and the version of the package. Historical version numbers are retained for PDQ-provided packages. For custom packages, updating the version number will update it on all past deployments. 
  • The Deployed by column displays the name of the user or Automation that initiated the deployment. Select the name of the Automation to open that Automation's page. 
  • In the Status column, running deployments will display In Progress, queued deployments will display Queued, successful deployments will display Complete, failed deployments will display Error, and canceled deployments will display Canceled
  • Select Complete or Error in the Status column to display the Output Log for that deployment.
  • Return codes will be displayed in the Details column. 0 is the default code for a successful deployment. 
  • In the Actions column, select Cancel to stop a running deployment, or Redeploy to retry a failed deployment. 

Note: If a custom package is edited while queued for deployment to an offline device, the device will still receive the original version of the package when it comes back online.


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